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Stomach virus – Easy to treat

We all know these unpleasant moments - we run to the bathroom every five minutes, feel bloated and painful in the abdomen and stomach area, and often suffer from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Yes, the same conditions that we all know are often included under the definition of 'stomach virus', which often describes several different conditions related to our digestive system. So what exactly is a stomach virus, what causes it, who is in the risk group and how can it be treated? Here is everything you need to know about it.

"Stomach virus" - a general name for various problems

Many times the source of abdominal pain and digestive problems is infection with some virus. This can be norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, or similar viruses and it will cause various symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swelling, and even fever in some cases. At the same time, it is important to remember that many times the origin of these symptoms is different. Let's look at a few more options:

Maybe it's food poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by eating food products that contain parasites, bacteria, toxins of

How to treat stomach ache
How to treat stomach ache

various kinds as well as viruses. The symptoms are the same: fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, and a general feeling of being sick. The most common bacteria to cause food poisoning are E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella, and in the summer the chance of catching one of them increases significantly. Food poisoning is something that can happen to anyone (and will happen to each of us during our lifetime), but it is definitely more common in people with underlying diseases and a weakened immune system.

There is a high chance that you have Helicobacter pylori

h. pylori natural treatment | HelcoBacstop
h. pylori natural treatment | HelcoBacstop

It is absolutely important to talk about one of the annoying bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (h. Pylori). It is found in our stomach naturally, but after infection, it may multiply and cause problems such as severe abdominal pain, swelling, heartburn, early satiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. The treatment of Helicobacter is unique and requires prior diagnosis, and it is also a problem that repeats itself over a long period of time, this is in contrast to common stomach viruses that arrive for a short period of time, make us feel bad, and usually disappear on their own over time. The treatment of helicobacter pylori also requires a change of habits and nutritional supplements such as Helico Bacstop that help to balance the conditions in the stomach and fight the bacteria in a good and efficient way.

Stomach Virus - Common symptoms

Stomach viruses symptoms
Stomach viruses symptoms

As with a stomach virus, severe abdominal pain is a fairly common symptom. Sometimes it is only pain, sometimes in addition to vomiting and diarrhea and they always cause an unpleasant feeling of discomfort. It is about intense and spotty pains.

Abdominal swelling

Of course, we are talking about a wide range of disorders and irregularities in the digestive system. Along with acute diarrhea, a phenomenon of constipation and a feeling of swelling in the stomach may appear. Sometimes it is a stool that fails to come out regularly and sometimes it is gas.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting a common and not at all pleasant phenomena of contracting a virus in the stomach. Of course, there is a direct effect of intestinal bacteria here, but sometimes nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of a viral disease.


Diarrhea is another common phenomenon. The body experiences dryness as a result and this

is accompanied by fever, tremors, headaches, and general weakness of a viral disease. This is also why drinking lots of water is essential in these situations.

Diarrhea due to a stomach virus

Prevalence and risk groups for the problem

In general, it is very important to know that we are all more or less equally exposed to different viruses in the stomach and intestines. No one is 100 percent immune to it, but there are certainly some who may suffer from it more than others. For example, immunosuppressed people, people with various underlying diseases, especially intestinal diseases, and people who have undergone surgery or some kind of physical/mental trauma. Also, we see every year that during the winter the frequency of these viruses increases significantly and this is of course related to the weakening of the general immune system among the population during this period.

Be careful, it is contagious!

A stomach virus is something that can be contracted in different ways:

Direct contracting of the stomach virus

Fecal-oral infection can be prevented by washing hands
Fecal-oral infection can be prevented by washing hands

The first possibility is direct infection from person to person in a way called fecal-oral - contact of fecal secretions with the oral cavity of another person. This is of course a microscopic amount, but one that is sufficient to effectively transmit the stomach viruses. This type of infection is most common in kindergartens and schools. It can be prevented by washing your hands before eating and after every visit to the bathroom.

Infected through surfaces

When a person is sick and the viruses are on his palm and he touches a certain surface (for example placing his palm on the desk in the office) and another person touches the same surface afterward, the infection may occur. Very common in kitchens and dining rooms.

Contaminated drink and food

Sometimes, the viruses are in our food and in the water that we drink, and that's how we get infected. Contamination of drinking water, and certain types of food that come with the viruses.

Droplet transfer

Transmission is most common through saliva fragments and snot. For example, a person who sneezes near other people may infect them with an intestinal virus.

Methods of Treat Stomach Virus

Excessive drinking

Drink A LOT of water
Drink A LOT of water

A virus in the stomach, especially one that comes with vomiting and diarrhea, will cause us to lose a lot of fluids. It is extremely important that we make sure to drink a lot and return the lost fluids to the body, but this is not enough. It is also important to consume a certain amount of sugar as well as a lot of salt to restore the body's deficiencies.

Anti-inflammatory supplements

Most of the symptoms are the result of inflammation of the stomach, and therefore if we succeed in alleviating it, we may certainly speed up the recovery and make it significantly easier on ourselves along the way. Medicinal plants such as ice licorice - licorice, Curcumin, cat's nip, and chamomile - all have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and additional properties such as relieving spasms and pains, reducing fever, and more. To achieve all of these in a concentrated way, it is worth using natural nutritional supplements such as Bio-Curcumin, or balsam, a herbal formula that contains high concentrations of all these plants.

improving the immune system

When we contract diseases and viruses, the best way to fight them is to strengthen the

Strengthen the immune system naturally | Immu-Optimizer-Complex
Strengthen the immune system naturally | Immu-Optimizer-Complex

immune system. A typical virus in the stomach will pass by itself even without any special action assuming that we are healthy and our immune system is functioning properly. However, we can help and strengthen our immune system - It is important for children, adults, and patients whose immune system is not at their best. Dietary supplements like Immu Optimizer Complex allow us to restore the body's natural ability to produce antibodies to deal with viruses. Ingredients such as American ginseng, elderflowers, vitamin C, and zinc help strengthen the immune system naturally.

Summary and tips for prevention

In conclusion, a virus in the stomach is definitely an unpleasant thing, but one that can be overcome and even overcome relatively easily if you only know how. Remember to drink a lot when this happens, rest, return salts to the body, and use anti-inflammatory nutritional supplements and supplements to strengthen the immune system. Also, for preventive purposes, be sure to wash your hands after every visit to the bathroom and before and after preparing and eating food. Adherence to these rules will reduce the chance of contracting various viruses in the intestines.


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