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* This is a special offer for two Du-Tox bottles (A total of 240 Capsules)

An inner double detox cleanse natural supplement - Du-Tox!

Du-tox is a detox supplement, effective for whole-body detox:

  • liver detox
  • heavy metal detox
  • kidney cleanse


The body has many elegant mechanisms for eliminating potentially harmful compounds. Metabolic detoxification refers to the pathways by which the body processes and removes harmful compounds.


Excess hormones, environmental toxicants, and prescription drugs are all cleared via the enzymatic detoxification systems. Metabolic detoxification is therefore essential for protecting the body from environmental factors and maintaining internal homeostasis.

Metals are all around us. Some are benign. Others, like copper, zinc, and iron, are good for us—so much so that we often go out of our way to ensure we get enough of these minerals in our diets. Then there are others, like lead, mercury, and arsenic, which aren't good for you at all—and when too much of these metals end up inside our bodies, it can result in severe health conditions and even death.

So, what do you do if you've fallen prey to metal toxicity? Fortunately, there are ways to detoxify your body from heavy metals. Heavy metal detox techniques range from chelation therapy, which is a careful treatment overseen by a physician, to less effective techniques like metal detox baths.
Heavy metals are only dangerous when they get inside of us (or our pets, or our loved ones). Once these kinds of toxins are in our bodies, many of them are very hard for our bodies to get rid of. So, the toxins simply accumulate, building up inside of us until they're concentrated enough to cause a problem: negatively affecting various healthy functions in your body.

As humans, we're primarily responsible for the uptick in heavy metals found in our environment—both the natural ones (that we're polluting) and the manmade ones we all live in. That's because ever since the Industrial Revolution, heavy metals have been used in everything from paint (think lead) to the cars we drive, the materials our houses are built out of, and even the smartphones we're glued to. Typically, low-grade metals in our environment (such as ore) pose the greatest threat, because of the quantity of them in our environment and the length of exposure matter.


Metal toxicity in our food

Another way you can be exposed to toxic metals is through your diet. Probably the most famous of these is mercury poisoning from buildup in top-of-the-food chain seafood, such as salmon. Another great example is lead poisoning from a contaminated water supply. There are plenty of other vectors for food-based metal poisoning—but those are two examples you've probably already heard of before.


Poisonous heavy metals:

  • Lead

is nobody's favorite element. Lead is used for fishing weights, soldering materials, and even bullets. In addition, many older homes contain lead-based paint. lead-containing materials can cause irreversible damage to your nerves, bone marrow, kidneys, liver, and the list goes on and on.

  • Arsenic

Arsenic accumulates in contaminated food (including chicken and rice) and drinking water. Unsafe industrial practices, mining, and cigarettes are also exposure risk factors. In human tissue, arsenic disrupts cellular metabolism and energy production.

  • Cadmium

is a shiny metal. Because of this, it's used in hardware and tools to make them look all glossy and chrome. It's also used in small things like nuts and bolts. People who use tools as part of their job are particularly at risk for cadmium poisoning since they have the highest exposure to this toxin. And cadmium is bad for cellular health, and what's worse, it takes a long time for your body to eliminate it.

  • Antimony

is a very soft metal. Alloys of it are used in batteries, cable sheathing, paints, glass, and many other household materials. Unfortunately, in concentrated amounts, antimony is a toxic irritant and possibly cancerous.

  • Mercury

occurs naturally in coal and other fossil fuels. When these fuel sources are burned, mercury is released into the air. From there, mercury settles into water supplies where it's absorbed or eaten by microorganisms. The thing is, mercury doesn't go away—it travels up the food chain, where it is concentrated in fish and shellfish. Diet is how the majority of Americans are exposed to mercury toxicity, and why mercury-free seafood is an alternative worth considering. You can also get mercury exposure through silver dental fillings.


What are the symptoms that require detoxification:

  • Gut health issues — When you've ingested heavy metals, you might suffer from a stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Abnormal heartbeat - Also called arrhythmia, this symptom is serious. In this case, it is recommended to call a doctor.
  • Hands & feet - Specifically, tingling or loss of feelings (even weakness) in your extremities.
  • Difficulty breathing - This can be minor irritation like coughing or serious issues like fluid accumulation in the lungs.
  • Behavior changes - This can range from irritability to unexplained memory loss, due to the metal toxicity affecting your central nervous system.
  • Fingernail changes —Horizontal lines across your fingernails could be a sign of exposure to metal


If you're suffering from acute toxic metal exposure, a physician will use metal-drawing drugs to help extract the toxic metals from your body. This is an effective and possibly lifesaving detoxification treatment. But other gentle therapeutic ways of removing toxic metals exist, and they can be incorporated into healthy lifestyle detox regimens. 
Du-Tox is a heavy metal detoxing cleanse supplement that will support and clean your kidneys, heart, and even the way your brain functions.
We recommend taking Du-Tox to keep your body clean and healthy!


Each Du-Tox bottle contains 120 Vegicaps.

Recommended use: Two capsules, twice daily (A total of 4 capsules), on an empty stomach (About 30 minutes before a meal, or 120 minutes after).

2X Detox Cleanse Supplement | Liver, Kidney and metal detox | Du-Tox

SKU: 2X7290005999277
164.00$ Regular Price
139.50$Sale Price
  • This is a special offer for 2 X Du-Tox bottles.
    Each Du-Tox bottle contains 120 Vegicaps.

    Recommended use: Two capsules, twice daily (A total of 4 capsules), on an empty stomach (About 30 minutes before a meal, or 120 minutes after).

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