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Natural ADHD Treatment for Kids and Adults

There are Natural remedies for ADHD, and it is possible to treat ADHD without resorting to chemicals, avoiding dependency, and without encountering any adverse effects whatsoever. Attention and concentration disorders are likely among the most common conditions nowadays. Research even indicates that one in every ten individuals in the population suffers from symptoms of attention and concentration disorders (ADD), which sometimes are accompanied by hyperactivity and impulsivity (ADHD). These disorders are mostly diagnosed in early childhood, but they often persist into adulthood, and in some cases, they are only diagnosed later in life. The extensive prevalence of such diagnoses naturally leads to significant public awareness, resulting in widespread research and various treatment options.

ADHD diagnosed in childhood, persist into adulthood
ADHD diagnosed in childhood, persist into adulthood

Treatment methods usually incorporate a combination of psycho-behavioral therapy, ranging from psychotherapy to occupational therapy, as well as medical interventions such as stimulant medication.

To comprehend the different treatment approaches, it's important to understand the origin of the disorder, which is neurobiological. The brain of someone with attention and concentration disorders struggles to differentiate between important and unimportant stimuli, leading to information overload. The prefrontal cortex is unable to process the amount of information properly, thus failing to regulate the body correctly. What we observe are behaviors resulting from an inability to listen or focus, or conversely, excessive focus. At times, due to the brain's inability to effectively control muscles, we witness instances of hyperactivity.

Popular meds increase dopamine, leading to side effects
Popular meds increase dopamine, leading to side effects

All these processes are influenced, among other things, by the activity and expectancy of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore, popular medications like Concerta, Ritalin, and others (Methylphenidate), are stimulant medication that promotes the balance of neurotransmitters by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. While it is highly common and has seen considerable success in symptom management, it comes with numerous side effects such as decreased appetite, irritability, sleep disturbances, behavioral changes, and heart palpitations. Additionally, after its effects wear off, there can be significant fatigue and increased indifference. Furthermore, sometimes Ritalin is combined with antidepressant medications, which aim to raise serotonin levels, but these also have their own side effects.

As this diagnosis often occurs at a young age and the disorder can persist throughout one's life, many individuals are reluctant to use conventional medications due to their range of side effects. They prefer turning to alternative methods, of which there is no shortage. The primary advantage of natural treatment is the minimal presence of side effects, making them suitable for home use. Natural approaches attempt to address both the disorder's symptoms and its underlying organic source, which will be elaborated further below.

All methods for implementing alternative treatment for attention and concentration disorders:

Considering that conventional medications often come with numerous side effects and impacts on the body, it's worth exploring natural approaches as well. These methods can help strengthen the system and enhance overall functionality.

Nutrition: What is the dietary approach that aids in countering attention and concentration disorders?

A direct connections between digestive system and nervous system
A direct connections between digestive system and nervous system

There is a direct connection between our digestive system and the nervous system. For instance, when we experience intense hunger, it becomes difficult to concentrate, and at times, we become irritable. Additionally, if the body expends a lot of effort on digestion, it's not available for cognitive processes. Therefore, it's advisable to have small meals approximately every three hours. It's extremely important to pay attention to the food we consume and introduce into the body, as it serves as the source for the substances from which various bodily systems are built, contributing to our overall health.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that, much like many other health conditions, in the context of attention and concentration disorders, nutrition has a direct impact on the exacerbation of the disorder and, conversely, also on its treatment. We have compiled the key guidelines for supportive nutrition for you: Which types of foods should one consider reducing while having ADHD?

ADHD | Should, and shouldn't eat
ADHD | Should, and shouldn't eat

Processed food contains various substances such as food colorings, toxins like pesticides, and heavy metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum. All of these can burden the digestive system, and their accumulation in tissues can significantly impact cognitive and nervous processes. Caffeine is known for its stimulating properties that can sometimes lead to overexcitement. Therefore, those experiencing hyperactivity and impulsivity-related symptoms would do well to reduce or completely avoid caffeine consumption. It's important to note that caffeine is not only present in coffee or chocolate but can also be found in various processed foods. Sugar directly affects alertness levels in both children and adults. This refers not only to sweeteners and white sugar but also to sugars generated from the breakdown of incomplete grains like refined wheat and its products (pasta, snacks, etc.). All of these cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels followed by a rapid drop, leading to fatigue and difficulties in concentrating, listening, and learning. So, when we consume something small and sweet to become more awake and focused, we're essentially postponing and exacerbating the difficulty later on. Processed oils like soybean oil and margarine contain omega-6 fatty acids, and an excessive intake of them can disrupt the balance with omega-3 fatty acids. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to increased attention and concentration issues. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to the quantity consumed and realize that they are ingredients in many processed or fast foods (such as spreads) that we consume. Dairy and gluten products are known allergens and can intensify imbalances in the body, often causing fatigue and changes in mood and behavior. According to Chinese medicine, dairy products are among the significant foods that, when eliminated, show substantial improvement in symptoms of attention and concentration difficulties.

Avoid consuming foods that could potentially trigger an allergic reaction. In addition to food types that are recommended to be avoided, research has indicated that it's also advisable to steer clear of foods that can trigger allergic reactions, such as cow's milk, chocolate, food dyes, flavor enhancers, monosodium glutamate, and even oranges. Studies have shown that in children with attention and concentration disorders, there is a significantly higher likelihood, up to 7 times, of experiencing allergic reactions, which could potentially exacerbate the disorder. Which types of foods should be increased when dealing with ADHD?

Fruits? opt for those with a low glycemic index
Fruits? opt for those with a low glycemic index

Omega-3 is incredibly important for maintaining the nervous system and brain health, and it's found in foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fish.

Vitamin B supports the nervous system and maintains energy levels in the body. You can find it in various foods such as sunflower seeds, meat, poultry, lentils, whole grains, root vegetables, leafy greens, and nutritional yeast.

Zinc is a mineral required for dopamine, melatonin, neurotransmitters, and prostaglandins, which are crucial for cognitive functions related to attention and concentration. It's recommended to consume zinc-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, and lentils.

Proteins break down into essential amino acids necessary for proper nervous system function and form the precursors needed for cognitive processes. Proteins can be found in eggs, soy, lean meats, skinless poultry, and foods combining whole grains with lentils.

Fruits and vegetables are generally important for maintaining body balance, especially cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collard greens, and turnips. When it comes to fruits, opt for those with a low glycemic index, such as apples, pears, berries, apricots, figs, and peaches.

Complex carbohydrates provide Vitamin B and also help with satiety and maintaining sugar balance. Therefore, consider consuming root vegetables, lentils, and whole grains like oats, barley, quinoa, and brown rice.

Healing Herbs - The Natural Remedy for ADHD

Herbs for ADHD - Medicinal wisdom
Herbs for ADHD - Medicinal wisdom

Healing herbs come from various parts of the world, carrying the secrets of ancient medicinal wisdom. Practitioners of herbal healing often turn to plant-based treatments for addressing attention and concentration issues, utilizing plants with stimulating properties that enhance alertness and cognitive abilities.

Here is a list of the central herbs frequently employed, sometimes individually and at other times combined, to support these purposes:

  • Korean Ginseng - A root from the East that enhances cognitive function and influences attention and response times.

  • Rhodiola - Used for relaxation and reducing signs of fatigue. It aids in the release of serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin, crucial for processes in the brain related to attention and concentration.

  • Medicinal Rosemary - Acts to improve cognitive abilities such as focus and mental clarity.

  • Bacopa - Supports the nervous system and assists in cognitive processes. It's primarily used to address scatterbrained thinking or mental distractions.

  • Schisandra - A fruit that provides energy and enhances coordination and concentration. By improving oxygen utilization in the brain, it aids in learning ability.

  • Ginkgo Biloba - Increases blood flow to the brain, providing more oxygen to aid attention and learning systems. It's an antioxidant for the nervous system, enhancing processes related to concentration and improving sugar metabolism breakdown.

  • Lavender - The aromatic oils of lavender impact both physical and mental capabilities while performing various tasks.

  • Marjoram - Aids in improving alertness and cognitive processes like memory retention.

ADHD natural treatment - ADHD Supplements

Natural healing herbs aren't always readily available to us, and sometimes we can't consistently maintain proper nutrition. At times, absorption of all the necessary vitamins and minerals might not be optimal. To address this, there are nutritional supplements on the market designed to cater to various needs and enhance bodily functions. Even in the case of attention and concentration issues, specific dietary supplements are available (like natural Ritalin), such as ADHDone. Of course, it's essential to continue under the guidance of specialized professionals.

Recommended nutritional supplements to assist with attention and concentration issues include those containing zinc, Vitamin B, Omega-3, amino acids, or the aforementioned healing plants. These supplements are available over the counter and can be obtained individually or in a combined product. In conclusion

It can be observed that attention and concentration disorders are prevalent among many individuals in the population. As a result, there is a wide range of treatment options available, so there's no need to suffer from the disorder itself or the side effects of conventional medications. It's advisable to explore the various natural methods that exist and try them until you find the most suitable approach for you throughout your life. Just as the disorder manifests differently in each individual, the nature of treatment or the combination of therapeutic approaches can also vary from one person to another. The key is to find what works best for you so that you can begin to enhance the quality of your life and make the most of your many talents.


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