Do you have a runny nose, high fever, headache, muscle pain, are you coughing and generally feel weaker and more tired than usual? You may have contracted the flu virus. In this article we will present an extensive information about the flu and its symptoms and ways to prevent and treat the flu.
Get to know the Influenza virus (The Flu)
Influenza is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by viruses from the Orthomyxoviruses family, including the influenza virus. There are three types of viruses that can cause influenza - A, B and C. Type C is considered rare, while virus types A and B are very common, especially during the winter months.
The symptoms of the disease usually appear two days after being infected with the flu and last for about a week. In general, the flu is not a dangerous disease, but when people with a weak immune system and those in risk groups contract the flu, they may develop complications such as a chest infection that might even lead to death.
Influenza virus prevalence
Influenza is very common among the population - 5% to 15% of adults and 20%-30% of children become infected with the virus every year.
How many people die from the flu?
As mentioned, the flu is not usually dangerous, but there are people who may develop complications because of the disease and end up hospitalized. People who have a poor immune system such as infants, immunocompromised patients, the elderly, pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases such as kidney failure and heart failure, as well as people who are overweight - are at risk. According to the World Health Organization, every year there are 3 million to 5 million people who suffer from flu complications and between 290,000 to 650,000 people die every year from the flu.
Does the colds also indicate the flu?
Many people tend to confuse a cold with the flu - a cold manifests itself in a runny nose and a cough, when some of the symptoms of the flu are also a cold and a cough. At the same time, there are differences between a cold and the flu. Colds caused by different types of viruses and not by the flu virus. Compared to the flu, the common cold is milder and does not cause complications like the flu. It passes faster than the flu and does not cause a high fever like the flu.
Did you catch the Flu? These are the Flu symptoms:
A fever that develops suddenly and exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).
Dry cough
Cough without phlegm secretion (The secretions that
the body produces in the bronchial tubes, throat, sinuses and respiratory tract). In many cases, a dry cough is due to viscous phlegm that you don't feel moving in the throat, but it occasionally irritates the cough center located in the throat, so you cough (For phlegm natural treatment we recommend to take the Muco Protector especially for chronic phlegm treatment).
One of the common symptoms of the flu is the headache.
Sleeping difficulties
You might have difficulties falling asleep at night.
Runny nose
The flu causes a runny nose, a blocked and stuffy nose, as well as sneezing.
Sore throat
The flu causes a sore throat and swallowing difficulties.
Digestive system problems
Flu patients may sometimes suffer from abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Muscle aches
The muscles are also affected by the flu. The immune system tries to fight the virus and as a result proteins called cytokines are released - That causes muscle pain. In addition, the flu causes dehydration accompanied by salt imbalance, and as a result we experience muscle pain.
The flu weakens our body and as a result we feel tired.
During the flu we may feel involuntary tremors and chills.
Loss of appetite
A common symptom of the flu is loss of appetite and decreased hunger.
I think that I have contracted the flu - when is it recommended to go to the doctor?
You should consult a doctor if you have a high fever of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) that lasts more than three days. Also, have you developed shortness of breath, a sharp earache, facial pain, purulent runny nose? If your cough gets worse and followed with chest pain that shows purulence, and if you at the same time, feel difficulty looking at the light, have strong headaches and suffer from vomiting. In these cases, you should consult a doctor.
How is the flu virus contagious?
The flu virus spreads by droplets. When a sick person sneezes or coughs, he is actually spray droplets containing the virus. Contact with these droplets and even breathing air containing spray droplets may cause infection. In addition, it's also possible to spread the flu via surface contact, such as a door handle or a telephone, can lead to infection with the flu. After infection, the influenza virus replicates within a week and then the symptoms of the disease break out in one day.
Why is the flu virus more contagious than other viruses?
The reason the flu virus is more contagious than other viruses is that it spreads very easily from person to person. During the winter, people huddle in closed places without ventilation, such as buses, schools and even at home. In many cases, people choose to turn on the heat, and close the windows, which causes the virus to spread easily in the shared space. Therefore, the chance of contracting the virus is high.
Why does our body not develop a self-immune
to the flu after contracting the disease?
The influenza virus has the ability to change its genetic features every year (a feature called mutational development that characterizes all viruses).
When a person is infected with the flu, the immune system fights the virus and develops antibodies that are present in our body even after recovery, but the immune system is not effective with the "renewed" virus. The antibodies are not suitable to deal with it and therefore new flu symptoms develop. This is also the reason why every year a new flu vaccine is developed.
How do you prevent catching the flu?
Strengthening the immune system
Our immune system is our body's main defense mechanism. It protects us from diseases, viruses, fungi and various infections. A strong immune system is better able to deal with viruses such as the flu. Therefore, it is very important to take care of strengthening the immune system, and here are some of the ways to do this:
physical activity
There is a direct connection between physical activity and strengthening the immune system. When we exert ourselves, our body secretes hormones such as adrenaline and especially endorphins. Adrenaline combined with an increase in body temperature leads to the fact that the immune system increases its activity. So to prevent catching the flu, it is recommended to exercise regularly.
Balanced sleep
It is known that sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. When there is a lack of sleep, our immune system weakens and as a result, the body is more exposed to viruses and infectious diseases. A good 7-8 hours of sleep during the night helps reduce stress and creates a more balanced secretion of inflammatory mediators in the immune system.
A balanced diet
It is very important to take care to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals in order for the immune system to function properly and to prevent catching the flu. Among other things, it is recommended to consume fish, egg yolk, cheese and beef liver which are rich in vitamin D, whole grains, sweet potato, bananas, spinach and potatoes which are rich in vitamin B6, turkey and chicken which are rich in vitamin B12, papaya, sunflower seeds, lettuce and broccoli which are rich in folic acid, citrus fruits, Berries and vegetables such as red pepper and tomato which are rich in vitamin C, dairy products, carrots, acorns, peas and mangoes which contain high amounts of vitamin A, and nuts, seeds and wheat germ which are rich in vitamin E.
Nutritional Supplements
One of the ways to strengthen the immune system is through the Immune booster nutritional supplement such as Immu Optimizer Complex. The supplement contains natural ingredients such as vitamin C, elderflowers and American ginseng root that help strengthen the immune system, thus helping to prevent catching the flu. Flu-Kal is a natural supplement effective for both preventing and naturally treating the Flu, (Once you caught it).
Flu vaccine
Another way to avoid catching the flu is through vaccination. A flu vaccine consists of killed flu viruses, and contains three or four strains of flu that are expected to be common that year. Pregnant women and people in risk groups can also receive a flu vaccine. It is important to know that the vaccine developers do not always succeed in predicting new flu strains, so the vaccine is not always effective. The vaccine may cause side effects such as muscle pain, low fever, weakness, and sensitivity, swelling and redness in the injection area.
Maintaining social distance
The World Health Organization announced that at the end of 2020 there was a significant decrease in influenza virus infection compared to previous years. The contributor to this is precisely the corona virus that led to the obligation of social distancing, the cancellation of mass events and the wearing of masks that was introduced around the world as a way to reduce corona infection, led to the fact that the morbidity of diseases that pass through the respiratory tract from person to person, such as the flu, was significantly reduced. Therefore, to avoid catching the flu, you should be careful to keep your distance and wear a mask.
Flu natural treatment
There are varieties of traditional remedies to treat the flu, such as eating honey, garlic, various foods seasoned with cinnamon, ginger and turmeric, which are known to be anti-inflammatory. It is recommended to drink a hot drink such as tea or soup (chicken soup is especially recommended) in addition to this, it is recommended to use aromatic oils such as eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil and peppermint oil. These oils are known as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory and disinfectants. You can apply them to the skin as a massage oil, or infuse the oils into an oil burner or humidifier.
Dietary supplements for the treatment of influenza
It is recommended to take nutritional supplements that help treat the flu virus, such as Flu Kal. It is an extremely effective herbal formula, based on natural ingredients such as eucalyptus and myrrh. The Flu Kal nutritional supplement treats the flu, and helps the body deal with flu symptoms such as - fever, weakness and colds. In addition, Flu Kal combines ingredients that strengthen the immune system, so it is also found to be effective in preventing the flu.
You can go to the doctor and get a prescription for antiviral drugs. These drugs are usually given to older people over the age of 65 or to those who are in a risk group. The drugs do not cure the disease, but shorten it by one day, prevent possible complications and relieve the symptoms of the flu.
Take some rest
If you have contracted the flu, it is very important to rest in order to give your body time to recover and recover. It is better to avoid social gatherings and to avoid returning to work or school only after the flu symptoms have passed.
Excessive drinking
The flu causes fever and runny nose, and as a result, the body loses minerals and fluids. It is very important to make sure to drink a lot during the illness, in order to return to the body all the fluids it has lost.
In conclusion
Unfortunately, the flu is not expected to disappear from our lives. Every winter it comes back with different changes and we have to try to deal with it. Fortunately, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity, a balanced diet, taking effective nutritional supplements and adequate sleep will help you avoid contracting various diseases such as the flu. It is very important to strengthen our immune system, thus reducing the chance of contracting the disease. We wish you good health!