There is almost no person in the world who does not know the annoying and bothersome phenomenon of phlegm in the respiratory system. Almost every person accumulates phlegm several times a year, while half of the population has a chronic condition for various reasons. Although it also accumulates in the lungs and digestive system, we usually feel it when it is in the throat. This viscous secretion, which in normal amounts plays an important role in shielding the respiratory system, can become a real nuisance when it appears in large quantities following problems and changes its color and viscosity accordingly. The phlegm causes significant difficulties in breathing and may cause wheezing and respiratory arrest, especially when it is chronic and certainly in situations prone to disasters such as at night, when we are not aware of our bodies and are in a supine position. Therefore, it is very important to treat this phenomenon as soon as possible, in addition to the fact that even when it is not life threatening, it is simply annoying and causes discomfort throughout the day.
Chronic phlegm, yellow phlegm and phlegm in the respiratory tract

What exactly is phlegm? Well, even though it is a bothersome and unpleasant phenomenon, phlegm is an essential mechanism for the body. It is a combination of saliva and mucus that are formed in the respiratory system and in certain situations such as coughing or a sore throat, can also reach the oral cavity. The purpose of mucus in the respiratory system is to capture foreign factors such as dirt and even unwanted bacteria and therefore it is found in the throat, nose and especially in the bronchi. When it's in a normal amount, it's usually fine, but when it's a large amount, in certain textures and colors, and especially when it becomes chronic and impossible to get rid of, it can definitely be bothersome and may indicate different problems.
For example, yellow phlegm usually indicates an infection resulting from conditions such as flu, bronchitis, sinusitis or chest infections. Phlegm in various places in large quantities in the respiratory tract may indicate infection with a virus related to the respiratory tract or various inflammations and infections of the respiratory tract and chronic phlegm sometimes occurs as a result of an allergy (which is sometimes difficult to diagnose) to something, from excess production of saliva from the mucus glands and in many cases it occurs without being able to understand the reason for that. The source of phlegm is sometimes in the nose, sometimes in the lower pharynx, and in the sinuses.
Because this is a common phenomenon that almost every person suffers from and because there is difficulty in diagnosis and conventional treatment, more and more people are interested in alternative treatments and natural nutritional supplements to get the phlegm out. The good news is that there are some that definitely bring relief significantly and especially using natural products.
Phlegm in the throat
Phlegm in the throat in high quantities (those that are noticeable and bothersome) is usually caused by any infections, irritation of organs in the respiratory system such as the nose, lungs and throat, reflux and gastric juices that rise up the digestive system, and in addition, due to smoking.
Healthy phlegm
Mainly in cases of pneumonia, which is caused by damage from a bacterium, virus or fungus, inflammation develops in the affected points in the lungs. In such a situation, fluids are secreted that turn into phlegm that rises to the throat and mouth during coughing and throat irritation. The phlegm in this case is an expression of the body's effort to fight the disease and the inflammatory factor.
Increased phlegm during pregnancy

Almost a third of pregnant women suffer from the phenomenon of an increased runny nose due to the hormonal changes that the body undergoes during this period, and when it descends from the nose towards the throat, it becomes annoying and annoying phlegm. This condition interferes with many women's daily functioning, the various treatments for it mainly offer relief without real comprehensive solutions, and you have to wait for the phenomenon to pass after pregnancy.
Phlegm in the elderly
As in the case of pneumonia, phlegm is in many cases a way for the body to deal with various challenges in the respiratory system. Because adults suffer quite a bit from respiratory problems and respiratory diseases, in many cases, these problems will also be accompanied by large amounts of bothersome phlegm.
Phlegm caused by the Helicobacter bacterium
The Helicobacter bacterium (h. Pylori) is a bacterium in the stomach that can cause secretions of toxins that damage the stomach walls. These toxins may cause stomach juices to push up the esophagus and cause heartburn. During a study conducted in the 1990s, a connection was found between the Helicobacter bacterium and symptoms of bronchitis. According to the study, pushing the stomach juices into the esophagus causes damage to the bronchi and airways, and eventually to the development of bronchitis. One of the symptoms of bronchitis is phlegm, and therefore if you suffer from heartburn and a lot of phlegm, the Helicobacter bacterium may be the cause of the problem.
If you are looking for a natural Helicobacter natural treatment, you should use the Helicobacstop.
Allergic phlegm
Allergic phlegm is created as a reaction of the body to allergens, especially those that reach the human respiratory system through the air. To understand if the sputum is caused by an allergy, an allergen test must be conducted to explain the phenomenon. An excellent way to treat allergic phlegm is using natural ingredients that relieve the symptoms of allergy and thus significantly reduce phlegm.
How to get rid of phlegm? 5 recommended ways
Those who go to the their doctor for conventional treatment of phlegm, may receive a variety of answers and suggestions for solutions, when in many cases doctors do not even know how to indicate the origin of the problem. In other cases, there are various drug treatments such as drugs to reduce saliva production - usually, these drugs are accompanied by many unpleasant side effects. Sometimes conventional medicine will recommend antibiotic treatment, or anti-allergy drugs - these drugs do not treat the annoying phlegm at all.
Besides all this, the phlegm phenomenon is a problem that has a variety of natural solutions, the benefits of which are many, and they do not have any side effects.
Therefore, when it comes to phlegm that returns many times and even in chronic situations, most of those who suffer from it will finally choose to treat it with natural means and not through conventional medicine.
Natural treatment of phlegm using nutritional supplements
There are many natural components that, among other things, know how to relieve and deal with increased phlegm. For example, the papaya plant is known for its ability to break down dead protein layers, which are the main substance in phlegm. Additional components that are excellent against phlegm and colds are dill seeds and celery seeds, which are rich in potassium and antioxidants and know how to help the body in a very effective way to remove excess fluids from the tissues.
The safest and most effective way to gain the benefits of these components and supplements is by combining them, which can be obtained in a concentrated manner and in correct doses from nutritional supplements such as Muco Protector - which contains all of these alongside other natural ingredients that treat exactly this problem. Muco Protector is very effective, and still natural phlegm treatment. It is very effective with treating chronic phlegm.
Expectoration - grandmother's remedies and other myths
When you look at the fact that conventional medicine does not always know how to treat the phlegm phenomenon and the fact that it is a phenomenon that has existed more or less since the dawn of mankind, it is no wonder that there are so many traditional remedies and home treatments that try to relieve and release the phlegm from the body. There are those who work excellently and give a good response while others are mostly successful as myths and nothing more.
The more familiar treatments are breathing vapors and especially salt vapors, massaging the face and chest with oil in combination with a drop of essential oil, drinking herbal infusions containing ingredients such as ginger, honey, thyme, anise seeds and sage, and hot baths. This is of course on the tip of the iceberg and there are quite a few more methods, better or less, that claim to help expel phlegm. Many times, even if these ways do not really bring relief, the placebo effect does a good job at all.
Treating phlegm naturally through proper nutrition
Especially if you refer to the long term and not to the immediate treatment of phlegm, the dietary habits can definitely help. There are certain foods that will really help eliminate phlegm while other foods may actually increase it. Those who suffer from salivation for a long time, and even those who suffer from chronic salivation, will certainly be able to alleviate the condition by adopting new dietary habits.
Plant protein - at a time of increased phlegm, first it is very important to increase protein consumption and preferably plant protein such as lentils, tofu and quinoa. You can also combine chicken (preferably organic), fish and a little turkey. wolfiporia is an excellent source of protein and also a component with many virtues for the treatment and removal of phlegm.
Green vegetables - all green vegetables such as broccoli, leeks, zucchini and parsley are excellent for cleaning the respiratory tract. For a particularly effective treatment, you can make a green smoothie with all these ingredients and add celery and dill seeds for a thorough cleaning job. For the taste, you can add green apple and papaya, which will make the shake very tasty and help with the task.
Drinking - the runny nose and phlegm are actually a way for the body to remove bacteria from it, in a process that dries the throat very much and causes the phlegm to harden and more phlegm to accumulate. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a lot of water first. how much? Well, it varies from person to person, but generally, three liters a day would be excellent. You can also add some salt to the water to help absorb and get rid of the phlegm and you can saturate the body by breathing steam from a boiling water heater.
What shouldn't you eat in order to get rid of phlegm?
In order not to worsen the phlegm phenomenon and to get rid of it, it is highly recommended to avoid eating simple carbohydrates such as white flour and white rice. In addition, it is definitely worth avoiding the consumption of sugars, including sugary foods. As far as the temperature of the food is concerned, it is highly advisable to avoid cold foods such as salads, sushi, juices and cold drinks, etc. It is desirable that the food be at least at room temperature. Finally, it is advisable to reduce as much as possible the consumption of dairy products that increase phlegm and avoid fatty foods such as sausages and butter.
What does yellow phlegm mean?
Yellow phlegm is often due to an infection. When there is inflammation, cells of the eosinophil and neutrophil type move into the respiratory tract, causing the sputum to take on a yellow hue.
What is the meaning of blood in sputum and runny nose?
A runny nose with blood is a phenomenon that can occur as a result of allergies, and diseases such as nasal polyposis, hay fever, and the use of nasal sprays that contain steroids. Bloody sputum is usually caused by a strong cough, which causes injury to the lining of the respiratory tract. In rare cases, sputum with blood can indicate bronchitis, pneumonia, heart failure, fluid in the lungs, a blood clot in the lung, and lung cancer.
Is phlegm worse during pregnancy?
Yes, during pregnancy, the uterus on the stomach exerts a lot of pressure, and as a result, pregnant women tend to suffer from reflux - an increase in the acidity of the stomach into the esophagus. The reflux creates a burning sensation in the throat and increased salivation.
Why is there increased phlegm when quitting smoking?
One of the symptoms of smoking cessation is increased phlegm. This phenomenon indicates the cleansing of the body from the cigarette residues left in it.